Entering a staring contest with a borg is always a bad idea. "You did SO blink!"

I am NOT supposed to see this. Oh gross...

"I swear I didn't hurt him -- he 'bumped into' the hypospray." "Well fine, don't believe me..."

It's my manly, studly smile. Janeway had a little too much coffee this morning, and began to float.

Tom gets his turn at the studly smile. "You have got to be kidding."

"You see this? This is mine. That over there? That's mine too. In fact, this whole place is mine... Janeway's just pretending." Naomi, torn between two sides... do we sense a little hint of deja vu?

UPN censors at work. Seven finally goes postal

Look, it's B'Elanna's only line aside from a delusionatory rant. You know, in Klingon, this is a come-on. Seven finishes her date from "Infinite Regress".

Use the force, Seven. Voyager gets flushed down the intergalactic toilet bowl.

That is one ugly wormhole. Beauty shots of Voyager getting swallowed.

C'mon, it's just a cool capture... admit it. Neelix is in his happy place.

Huct on foniks werkt for me! Neelix accepts his offical ambassadorship to cats and dogs.

As is typical for repair men, it took them a trip all the way back to 001 before they got the viewscreen fixed. Drano, for all your plumbing needs.

Gradually lurch over to the next page
Flee back to the screen captures page
Limp home to lick your mental wounds.